
Instructions for Authors:


The manuscripts in Russian and in English are accepted for publications in the journal "Adaptive Fodder Production" without limitations in pages number. All articles should follow the journal regulations according to its subject.

Document format – is doc* or rtf (Word 1997, 2000, XP, 2003).

The names of all authors should be provided with the full name of each institution and the address, telephone and fax numbers for the corresponding author. The manuscripts must have title, abstract (5-7 lines) to and key words (up to 7).

The experimental works should be divided into the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, references.

The references should be cited in the text in the order of first-mentioned, using Arabic numbers in parentheses.

Manuscripts should be typed one-spaced with 2,5 cm margins. Standard 14 point font is required. Size 14 font for tables and notes is preferred.

All figures should be provided as high quality with size not less than 60x60 and no more than 110x 170.

Scans of the consent of each author to the processing and placement of personal data must be attached to the article. The consent form is provided below. Consent is issued in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 14, 2022 No. 266-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Personal Data”. It is necessary to write: I - last name, first name, patronymic (in full); full and abbreviated name of the institution; postal address of the institution (with index); position, academic degree, title; telephone (including mobile), e-mail - I provide the FNTs "VIK them. V. R. Williams" their personal data for placement in the online journal of the Federal Scientific Center "VIK im. V. R. Williams" "Adaptive forage production". Signature, transcript of the signature, date.

An original manuscript with the signatures of all authors and contact information of the corresponding author as well as an electronic version of the paper (on disc or other electronic format) are sent to the postal address:


Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology

Lobnya, Moscow Region, Russia

To facilitate rapid publication of the journal output the manuscript can be sent on electronic address:

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The journal "Adaptive Fodder Production" is available online at http://www.adaptagro.ru


Current Issue - No. 1, March 2024

Authors and readers of the journal "ADAPTIVE FODDER PRODUCTION" welcome to find the latest issue of our publication. The magazine can be viewed here.

Current Issue - No.4, December 2023

Authors and readers of the journal "ADAPTIVE FODDER PRODUCTION" welcome to find the latest issue of our publication. The magazine can be viewed here.

Current Issue - No. 1, September 2023

Authors and readers of the journal "ADAPTIVE FODDER PRODUCTION" welcome to find the latest issue of our publication. The magazine can be viewed here.

Current Issue - No.2, June 2023

Authors and readers of the journal "ADAPTIVE FODDER PRODUCTION" welcome to find the latest issue of our publication. The magazine can be viewed here.

Current Issue - No. 1, March 2023

Authors and readers of the journal "ADAPTIVE FODDER PRODUCTION" welcome to find the latest issue of our publication. The magazine can be viewed here.